Four Speeder Kits in different Material: White Metal, Brass, Styrene, and Resin

I built four speeder kits in On30. Each kit uses different material; white metal, brass, styrene and resin respectively.

Iwasaki Rail motor car (brass kit)

Iwasaki Rail motor car is a brass kit by Orange Company.
Main parts are molded in lost wax, Pick-ups are mounted directly on motor.

   This is a model of Iwasaki Rail LM5A motor car used in Kiso forestry logging railway. As I also made a paper model, this is a brass kit by Orange Company. Main parts including body and underframes are molded in lost wax, with some parts such as roof skeleton made of etched brass sheets . It is single axle driven and motor is hidden under engine cover located between front seat. Motor and geared axle are supported by two lost wax parts, and pick-ups made from etched sheet are directly connected to motor,
    Though lost wax parts are easily assembled with screws, it is challenging to make roof by shaping skeleton, For canvas top, I used a piece of beige colored shopping bag and covered with suede finish spray paint. Window glasses should be cut in right size so that it will drop into frames. For painting, I used canned spray of Tamiya medium gray and GM blue #15.


RGS Covered Speeder(プラキット改軌)
RGS Covered Speeder (styrene kit regauged with metal wheels)

RGS Covered SpeederはGrandt Lineのプラキット
RGS Covered Speeder by Grandt Line

T shaped pick-ups are included in the kit which contact to rail surface, and wheels are plastic. Though motor is flat open type, large gear ratio brings stable run.
Regauged to 16.5mm using 9mm diameter wheels.

  Fairmont A-3 Speeder is a On3 styrene kit by Grandt Line. In the kit, wheels are plastic, and T shaped pick-ups are included in the kit which contact to rail surface. It is obvious that the body is too light to get smooth run.
     I found that inside frame can be narrowed so that it could be regauged to 16.5mm. The length of axle is right for it. I chose 9mm diameter wheel and adjusted axle diameter with pipe. Phosphor bronze wire is used for electrical pick-up to wheels.
     Since the model is precison engineered, the body snap on and off to underframe without any screw mounting. I added block weight on both sides of motor, Painting scheme is same as Iwasaki speeder. Though motor is old open frame type, high gear ratio of 40:1 gives stable run,

  Grandt LineのOn3のプラキットです.Fairmont A-3 型スピーダーを1940年にRGSの工場で冬季仕様の密閉キャブにしたものがプロトタイプです.新しい製品ではありませんが,偶然新額堂で見つけました.キャラメルモーターを用いる動力もすべてプラで,接着剤なしで組みあがるその精巧なモールドにはいつもながら感心します.しかし,車輪はプラで,コンタクトシューを2軸の中間において集電する構造になっています.車体はやたらと軽いので,このままでは満足な集電が得られないのは明らかです.

Mudbug Speeder(レジンキット組み立て)
Mudbug Speeder (Resin kit)

Mudbug SpeederはBoulder Valley Modelsのレジンキット
Mudbug Speeder by Boulder Valley Models.
Mudbug Speederの下回り.プラ角材によるエンドビームでカプラーを支え,動力の落下を防ぐ.
Mudbug Speeder uses Bachmann HO trolley motor bogie. Lower end beams support both couplers and power unit.

The model is a freelance critter by Boulder Valley Models. .A flat car is included with the kit. Bachmann HO trolley motor bogie is required for power unit. I added roof luggage rack and steps to roof, During underframe assembly, I lost frame parts. So I used original Brille truck frame came with Bachmann trolley, and added a step on it, Lower end beams are made by styrene rod. It supports couplers and power unit. Spray can of Taniya medium gray and GM Izu-kyu Hawaiian blue are used for paint.

Boulder Valley Modelsが出している一連のフリーランスのクリッターのレジンキットで,ナローガレージから入手することができます.キットにはフラットカーが1両付属しています.動力はバックマンのブリルトロリーを使用します.これは古い扁平モーターを使ったものです.

Ford T Inspection Car(ホワイトメタルキット改軌・動力化)
Ford T Inspection Car (metal kit regauged and motorized)

Ford T Inspection CarはOn-Trakより発売されているホワイトメタルのディスプレイモデル.
Ford T Inspection Car from On-Trak is a white metal static kit.

Wheel axis is supported by styrene square pipe.

Motorized with Aru Model motor and Fukushima geared axle.

  The model can be found in 1976 catalog of Scale Structures Ltd. It is an On3 static display model of Ford T inspection car molded in white metal. My model is distributed by On-Trak Model Products. Since it is a display model, engine and underframe are detailed. Some Ford T parts are distributed as separate parts.
     Instuction sheet is too simple, only with diagrams, parts lists and unclear photo copy of assembled model. Only reference is an assembled photo in the SS Ltd catalog. Some parts are hard to find out where to locate. It looks like challenging to build up underframe made of white metal parts. I finally decided not to use original underframe parts and make my own motorized underframe.
     I adopted 16.5mm gauge, that is On30. Frame is built from styrene rod and whitemetal parts are glued on it as a detail. Styrene frame is suitable for electrical isolation. Nikko model's spoked wheels for Tenshodo power truck replacement, Fukushima geared axle and Aru Model motor are used for power assembly. Small Aru Model motor fits inside Model T engine hood. To support wheel axles, I used styrene square pipe. Cutting off one side of square pipe, axle fits in to slot. It works fine with a little work of shaping along slots and lubrication, Phosphor bronze wire is used for electrical pick-up to wheels. Painting is done by can spray of Seibu rasberry over gray undercoat.

1976年発行のScale Structures Ltd.のカタログにも載っているT型フォードのインスペクションカーで総ホワイトメタルのOn3のディスプレイモデルです.手持ちのものはOn-Trak Model Productsのブランドで,かなり型は傷んでいます.ディスプレイモデルなので,エンジンや床下などかなり作りこんであります.これらのT型フォードのパーツは分売もあり,Milepost Model Worksのブランドにもなっていました.

2007年5月 Nobuo Koizumi