DeWinton Vertical Boiler #8, Bottom Tank #9, Manning Wardle #10

DeWinton Vertical Boiler (Wrightlines kit)

This kit is motorized by Tenshodo WB31. Kadee #5 is installed for coupling.
Freelance wing tank locomotive "Avon" (Springside kit)
This is a freelance locomotive powered by Hornby Pug chassis. It resembles one of Bagnall locomotives imported in Japan. I filed off the smokebox door molding and replaced it with the one on Pug body.
Manning Wardle Busy Bee (Branchlines kit)
The prototype was used at Woolrich Arsenal 18 inch gauge track. The model looks wider than the original since it is modified to run on 16.5mm gauge. It is powered by Branchline's original chassis.

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March 29, 2002.