Converted Porter 0-4-0 with small saddle tank

Here is another conversion to popular Bachmann On30 Porter 0-4-0 saddle tank locomotive.
   If you are planning to use Bachmann HO 0-6-0 saddle tank locomotive for underframe of On30 locomotive, don't throw away the body! The saddle tank assembly can be easily detached from the body, and used as small saddle tank on On30 Porter 0-4-0. Filing off lower flange, it replaces tank on Bachmann On30 Porter. It will cover over the entire boiler but with lower proportion. If you file off top of one sand dome, it becomes a support ot smoke stack. Center dome should be cut off and replaced with Porter's sand dome, and the tank hatch will become a base for the bell. Lower flange of a saddle tank was furnished with 1mm by 1mm square styrene rod. Boiler portion will be completed by proper arrangements of sand pipes, lever and bell rope. I reshaped the roof top with coarse file and covered with 0.25mm styrene sheet to simulate steel roof.



reshaped roof top
A saddle tank came from HO locomotive.



May 14, 2006. Nobuo Koizumi